As with most new ventures I partake in, I was really excited and motivated when I started “My Fitness Pal”—the online tool to count calories and track work-outs. I was encouraged when I noticed a change in the way my clothes was fitting. I was thrilled when “the little black dress” that was collecting dust in my closet hugged my body in the perfect way just in time for me to wear it to a fundraiser that I was chairing. I was ecstatic to take the stage!
But then came Thanksgiving and with it my discipline. Or maybe it was as early as Halloween where I “fell off the wagon.” As soon as the end of October came around, I found myself giving in to high-calorie drinks and treats at Halloween parties, post-Halloween birthday parties, pre-Thanksgiving parties and then some post-Thanksgiving parties. I completely stopped logging in my food and exercise and got lost in the day-to-day happenings of life.
Aware of my slip, I write this to share that staying fit and in shape IS NOT EASY. But it is okay to slip and be human and participate in the breaking of bread and toasting of glasses without beating yourself up. Speaking for myself, I know I can find myself comparing my body and clothing size to other women thinking “they must have it so easy.” But I know it is not the case. It takes work and discipline and will to make fitness and health a priority.
These past two weeks have been better. I started running more and was lucky to win a discounted registration to the New Year’s half-marathon in early 2013. Having a race to look forward to always re-news my energy and spirit for running. For any of you on this constant journey for health and fitness, I hope that if you find yourself slipping, you take comfort in knowing it happens to us all!
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